November 2009 Move of The Month

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NAME OF EXERCISE: side plank (modified)


EQUIPMENT: none needed

PRIMARY MUSCLES: transverse abdominus, gluteus medius/minimus (abductors), obliques

SECONDARY MUSCLES: gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads), hamstrings

WAYNE’S TIP: During this particular exercise, keep your spine in neutral alignment as you lean forward from your waist. Keep your abdominals tight during the movement to avoid rounding in your back.

STEP 1: Starting Position: Lie on your side on an exercise mat with your legs extended and the left leg lying directly on the right.Bend your right leg to 90 degrees of flexion while keeping the left leg extended,with the inside surface of your left foot making contact with the mat.Raise your upper body to support yourself on your rightarm, with your elbow bent to 90 degrees and positioned directly under your shoulder.Align your head with your spine and keepyour hips and right knee in contact with the exercise mat.

STEP 2: Upward Phase: Exhale, gently contract your abdominal/core muscles to stiffen your spine, and lift your hips and right leg off the mat. Your head should be aligned with your spine and your right elbow should remain positioned directly under your shoulder.

STEP 3: Lowering Phase: Inhale and gently return yourself to your starting position. Switch sides and repeat.

STEP 4: Exercise Variation: Increase the intensity of the exercise by increasing the length of time you are in the raised position.

This exercise is being demonstrated by Wayne Matus, owner of Fitness Together Freehold, a private personal training studio. For more information, call 732-431- 5555 or visit