Five tips to a more nutritious you

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Did you know that 95 percent of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise? According to Author Mike Adams, this clearly demonstrates that there is a lack of understanding when it comes to nutrition. It’s time to change your lifestyle and accomplish the goal of losing that extra weight for good. Here are five tips that will help you with your nutrition.

1. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day — Most people tend to eat too little or eat too much at mealtime. This leads to crashes in blood sugar. Try to have consistency in your eating patterns. A good trick is to plan and prepare. The idea is to eat every three to four hours. Doing this will keep your energy levels up and metabolism burning. As opposed to eating the average American diet of two to three meals per day. Only eating two or three times per day creates a roller coaster ride for your metabolism and energy levels. We want our energy levels to be up and to be burning calories all day long.

2. Put down the soda or Frapachino and drink water — Your body is mostly made up of water. So why would you drink a Frapachino that has 770 calories, 122 grams of sugar (that is equal to 30 teaspoons ) and has the caloric equivalent of three cheeseburgers and four sodas? Consuming drinks high in calories is limiting your weight loss success. If you drink one soft drink a day, you can pack on an extra 15 pounds in one year. Compound that over the years. These drinks actually make you hungrier. Your body expects to get full from the beverage, but instead, you become hungrier. Also, a 12-ounce soft drink has around 150 calories. It will take you 20 minutes of running to burn off those calories. Water regulates our body’s temperature and provides the means for nutrients to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, protects joints and organs, and removes waste from your body. It is a powerful thing, and will naturally increase your energy level. How much should you drink? A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half and drink that number in ounces. For example, a 160-pound person should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.

3. Stop eating fried foods — Fried foods add extra fat and calories. Although this may taste good, it has no nutritional value. If you are trying to lose weight and eat healthily, these foods will sabotage your diet. Start eating quality foods and your body will repay you for it. You will feel excellent and look terrific.

4. Develop awareness —You should be asking yourself every time you are about to eat the following question: Is this meal I am about to eat the best for my body? If the answer is “no” it is time to start preparing your foods and meals better. Remember, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

5. Strength train — Muscle is fat-burning machinery. The only way to increase muscle is to strength train. Plus, strength training will build bone, increase metabolism, decrease body fat, decrease your risk for injury and reshape your body. If you haven’t already incorporated strength training into your life, start now! Start with two or three days a week and focus on all major muscle groups. It is recommended that you start with a personal trainer. You need a customized strength training routine based on your fitness level and limitations, and a personal trainer can help you establish this.

Implement these changes and you will be on your way to a healthier and happier you.